Cyberpreneurship ???? But i only have a website…..

Short Talk (is this the copyright of my friend Kennysia , the celebrity blogger?): was informed by Winnie Loo of A Cut Above fame that i was photographed together will Will Quah. The photo in yesterdays New Straits Times was taken at a recent Brabus event. Anyone seen it or have a copy?

I was pleasently surprise to receive in the mail yesterday a beautiful thank you card and a 19 Page report.

I was the subject of a interview by 8 Multimedia University Students in their Final Year entitled Interview with a Cyberprenuer. I was really surprise to get the report, as i just can't comprehend how the student manage to write a 19 page report on me.

Anyway, I am very touch by the thoughtfulness of my interviewer for sending me the report and such a lovely card.

I also take this opportunity to thank them for their very insightful ideas of improvement for my business.

Thank you once again and I wish Shirlyn and her team all the best in their future undertakings!

Kid Chan, WPJA

“100 People You Must Know in Asia”-Malaysia Tatler
P.S: Have you visited at Bangsaria?

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