Planning your wedding in Malaysia?

Dear all,
Planning your wedding in Malaysia? Don't know where to start?
Why not check out the new wedding portal: ?

Screenshot of

The portal is also looking for Real Weddings to feature. Click here to find out more.

Screenshot of Real Weddings

If you are wedding service professional or wedding product vendor, you may want to contribute articles in the following category for added exposure to your business:

Fashion and Style
Wedding Planning Tips
Money Matters
Venue and Catering
Honeymoon Planning
Photography & Videography
Romance, Sex and R/ship
Florist and Decorators
Wedding Humour
After Marriage

Dont foget to visit the Bridal Forum to chat and learn from other future bride & groom!

Have Fun!

Kid Chan, WPJA
“100 People You Must Know in Asia”-Malaysia Tatler
P.S: Have you visited at Bangsaria?

1 thought on “Planning your wedding in Malaysia?”

  1. I believe, kid, you already have a feel-good vibe, that everytime someone sees you, they get reminded of wedding bells. LOL!

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