Brunei Here I Come!

Dear All,

I will be in Brunei from 28-31 May 2005 to document a malay wedding and will be available for consultation on:

29 May 2005 (Mon)
Morning Session: 9am-4pm
Evening Session: 10pm-11pm

30 May 2005 (Tues)
Morning Session- 9am-4pm

I would be delighted to meet up with any friends, future bride and groom and provide you guys with a copy of my new company porftolio.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at +6(012) 215 9933 should you have any further queries.

Thank you

Kid Chan, WPJA

“100 People You Must Know in Asia”-Malaysia Tatler
P.S: Have you visited at Bangsaria?

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