Situation still vacant!

Dear All

Greetings! Just like to apologized for not being able to return all calls/sms or emails in regards to the vacancy due to overwhelming response for the post of photographer and graphic designer.

Please rest assure the post is till vacant. We are still accepting application at You can also find the original post here
We will try our best to response to the queries.

As the wedding seasons is now moving into full swing, open interviews will be sheduled as opposed to Interviews by appointment only,

Kid Chan, WPJA
“100 People You Must Know in Asia”-Malaysia Tatler
“the most sought-after wedding photographer in Malaysia” -NST
“Picture Perfect”-The Edge Daily
“Kid Chan- Celebrity Photographer” – Le Prestige

P.S: Stay tune for exclusive Datuk K & Datin Siti Nurhaliza wedding pictures by KIDCHANSTUDIO!

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