Singapore’s Sojourn

Dear All,

Had a great trip in Singapore. As usual a trip to Cathay burn a hole in the pocket (shhh….dont let Shirlyn know), and thank goodness wife-y has the wisdom asking me not to bring my credit cards.

I also had an interesting incident. While taking a cab to in Singapore heading back to Ritz-Carlton , the cabby -Mr. Joe , asked if i was a photographer? Thinking that my Cathay bags was a dead giveaway, I replied YES.

Then he asked if I was a Malaysian, of course I said yes and a very PROUD one at that! Then to my amazement, he asked “Are you Mr. Kid Chan?” whhhhaatt??????

It seems that, Joe has been following my works since my Pesona Pengatin column days. What an Ego-booster …hahhahaha But still no discount for my Taxi fare:(

A special thanks to wife-y's best buddy Ms. Jodie for bring me to Tony Rama's for their excellent ribs {Non-Halal) , My college buddy Shung who has a good intention of bringing me to Equinox but was not open and Yann Yann who later met up with us in Boat Quay.

I met Yann few years ago when she was a talent in the Brand Power commercial and I was the intern at Studio88. Yann, born in Malaysia was handpicked by Singapore's legendary theater directer Kuo Pao Kun to form his pioneer batch of his fledging Theater Training and Research programme. Yann was also part of the Separation 40 cast who are nominated for BEST GROUP PERFORMANCE (theatre)in the 4th Annual BOH Cameronian Arts Awards 2005.

I also take this opportunity to wish Yann all the best with her theater opening tonight and her upcoming movie – Singapore Dreaming's Gala premier.

Ok. Got to sleep early tonight. Tomorrow a big shoot for my secondary schoolmate Ikhwan and his lovely Bride Amli at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC).

See ya!

Btw, stay tune bcost i am going to let you in on my RIDE this weekend tomorrow!

Kid Chan, WPJA
“100 People You Must Know in Asia”-Malaysia Tatler
“the most sought-after wedding photographer in Malaysia” -NST
“Picture Perfect”-The Edge Daily

P.S: Have you visited at Bangsaria?

2 thoughts on “Singapore’s Sojourn”

  1. I think The Star reported last year that they were going to open four (4) Tony Roma’s in Malaysia.


    (But hope they still serve babyback ribs)

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