Photo Technique: How to photograph your Children?

Photo Technique: How to photograph your Children?

If i get a Ringgit for each time i have been asked times how to photograph kids, i would now be a multi-millionaire:) Knowing that this is the time of the year where family gets together, and daddy/mummy eager to show off their new DSLR or point and shoot cameras, i purposely dig up an past interview by Ms. Kwong Howe Leng of Parenthood magazine on the topic. Hopefully this article can give you some ideas.

Click on Image to enlarge Getting the Frames
Click on Image to enlarge Getting the Frames Article

And if you really don't have time to read the full article, here are some Instant Tips on how to photographed children:

Ensure children get enough sleep of food before shoot
Instill in them the love of being photographed
Take pictures at their eye level
Set higher ISO
Take picture during early morning or evening
be an Observer not creator

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Remember to have lots of fun and take more pictures!It's a bonding time. Don't be frustrated, a lousy day photographing your kids is much better than a great day at work right?

Also a word of advice, pictures are meant to be printed and not just save on the desktop:) !

If you found this post helpful, and would like to be updated on future photography tips and techniques like this let’s get connected on TWITTER or FACEBOOK .

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Thank you.

Till then, take it easy,

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