Today I am feeling a bit contemplative. Right after MCO, I decided to do a bit of refurbishment and reconfigure my office space.

I was planning to change my shooting studio into a more multi purpose space, convert a room into podcast studio, convert one room into a wellness consultation room for Shirlyn,
a coffee corner and cooking studio for mum and some other minor upgrades.
Then came the Cmco, work have to stop. Now I can't even really go to my space and welcome anyone of you for a cup of coffee.
It has almost been a year, now that we are slowly opening up yet we are not comfortable welcoming any guests just yet.

Reminds me of a saying, man proposes #business#work and God dispose and King Solomon's advice : “In the morning sow your seed, and in the evening do not withhold your hand; for you do not know which will prosper, either this or that, or whether both alike will be good (Ecclesiastes 11:6).”
On the bright side and Praise God Shirlyn Lim & I , is always hungry and always foolish. Shirlyn is more hungry and I am more foolish to develop other ventures apart from @kidchanstudio , especially our e-commerce business.

While I look forward to welcoming you to my “new” space, but as someone wise once said:
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
P.s: Anyone want to drop by for coffee once Covid-19 tapers down and we are ready to receive guests again?