Does family photo matters?
Last year this time, my my 5 year-old son then looked at our last family portrait (taken when he was 6 months old) and said “Dad, isn't it time to update our family photo?” Oh yes indeed!

Later I stumbled upon an article which shows that family portraits help boost a child's self-esteem. David Krauss, a licensed psychologist says that we need to show a family as a family unit and it is helpful for the child to see him/her valued and important part of that family unit. It dawned on me, how important it is to show our children that they are valued, even at a young tender age.
So, here you go, I've carved out a special package, just for our loyal customers of KIDCHAN, a special package, to end the year 2019, with a memorable BANG!
Contact Us now to avoid disappointment. Only 5 slots available!
PS : Kudos to all parents out there! You ARE doing a great job & You DO matter to your children [no matter how many times they roll their eyes at ya 😉
Check out some of my recent family portraits here