Dear All, Shirlyn and I was privilege to host dinner for a group of good friends at Villa KIDCHAN recently. The 12 course degustation dinner was prepared by Private Chef …
August Man is finally in Malaysia this September! Dear All, August (pronounced as oh-ghast) Man is finally in Malaysia. I have just managed to lay my hands on the inaugural …
Dear All, TEAM KIDCHAN was the official photographer & videographer at Maya Karin & Steven Shorthose’s wedding in FRIM (Forest Reserve Institute Malaysia) yesterday. Also invited to the beautiful wedding …
Dear All, I was invited to give a FREE Destination Pre-Wedding Photography workshop by The Wedding Hub. Please find more info, after the image: DESTINATION WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHYFREE Workshop by KIDCHAN …
Dear All, Guess where am I? Scroll down for Answer. Answer: Just a Random Alley at Bellagio, Lake Como, Italy Best regards,KIDCHANSEE ME with Maya Karin ON ASTRO!Check out my …
Dear All, According to Wikipedia, Paparazzi is a plural term (paparazzo being the singular form)[1][2] for photographers who take candid photographs of celebrities, usually by relentlessly shadowing them in their …
Dear all, Before I begin, let me get the following message our of the way: NO Pictures from Maya Karin & Steven Shorthose Wedding in Bellagio ‘I will not be …