Thank God, I still have my Dopod!

I think everyone still remember me happy happy posting about my Dopod 818 pro. Little did i know that was the prelude of an drama. The next morning after the post, I went for a Super Ego Boosting body check up at Damansara Utama. Ego boosting you asked? Well, after looking at my ECG, the Dr. asked if I was an athlete. What a joke hahahahah

After the test i remember there is a Killiney Kopitiam around the corner. For those who remember my recent Singapore Sojourn, I actually had the BEST ever roti bakar in my life at Marina Suare's Killiney.

Back to the story, so I happy happy order my roti bakar and the marvelous otak-otak (which they don?t have in Singapore ahahhah) and had a marvelous breakfast. After that I proceeded back to my office.

And then?..after 3 hours when I try to reach for my trusted Dopod?..wooopsss?.arrrgghhhh where is my Dopod????? I left it at the caf�. Sure Boh liaw (hokkien translation for No More)! And I was wondering, why it was such a quiet day.

So what do you think is my chances of getting my super sleek 3 week old Dopod?

Then I quickly drive towards DU, and prayed and prayed and prayed to the Lord on my way to DU. After illegally double parking my car I made a quick dash to the caf�, and to my horror I saw a group sitting on my earlier table. Sigh? Boh liaw lar?..

So slowly walk towards the cashier while juggling to maintain my composure and asked

?Excuse me have you seen my phone over there, I left it a while ago??

?Oh you are the guy with plaster on your arm earlier right??


?we tried to call you, but you left already?

PRAISE GOD!!!!! Halleluyah!

I like to record my thanks to **Ah Chit**, who is a Burmese contract worker. For us who lost hope if the good samartian still exist, please go to see it for yourself at the Killiney. And if you do, please tell him that ?KID CHAN is so grateful that you return his Dopod. Y0u are a STAR!?


Kid Chan, WPJA
“100 People You Must Know in Asia”-Malaysia Tatler
“the most sought-after wedding photographer in Malaysia” -NST
“Picture Perfect”-The Edge Daily

P.S: Have you visited at Bangsaria?

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