My class at Life College!

Dear All,

I have just started my lecture at Life College last week. I know it is hard to belief for those who know me especially from school days. YUP! I am surprised myself. Finishing school was an achievement, getting through uni was definitely another but teaching in a college??? Hmmphh…that really a FAR one.

So how did it come about? Well I got a call from Mr. Goh Kek Seng, a former collegue from my Metropolitan College days and the Director of Studies of Life College. Mr Goh ask if I would take up a part-time lecturer post for 2nd/3rd Year Diploma student in Introductory to Photography. After due consideration, as I was quite afraid that my schedule might clash I agreed. Well the pays is not fantastic, but I feel like as if I am giving back to the society who has given me so much. So now you will find me in Life College diligently every Tuesday 2.30-5.30pm.

But since i started my new post, I always wonder what my teacher's in Sri Cempaka will think when i tell them this? I can really imagine a few drop jaws. At least 10 inch wide some more hahahah! I guess I just have to wait and see:)

To my students who is reading this, REMEMBER to SWITCH OFF your mobile phone. I get very irritated when it RINGS during the lecture, and it will reflect in your marks. Otherwise, have a good day!

Kid Chan, WPJA
“100 People You Must Know in Asia”-Malaysia Tatler
“the most sought-after wedding photographer in Malaysia” -NST
“Picture Perfect”-The Edge Daily

P.S: Have you visited at Bangsaria?

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